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World Summit 2020 Summary Speech

On the positive feelings and takeaways from the summit and Korea

Human Rights Day

Building Trust in Challenging Times through Moral Education

Interfaith Celebration’s Night

Relating to multi faith understanding with need for #WorldMoralDay

Peace and Development in the Balkans

Promoting the initiated vision of ”Trade 4 Peace”

Freedom Forum

discussion on a fundamental issues related to sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the Agenda 2063 of the African Union.

Masterpiece Awards Event

Appealing to the Qatari royals, Investors and other Diplomats to support Britain by investing in U.K during the turbulent period of Brexit transition

Dr B.R Ambedhkar Jayanthi

Taking an oath to take the initiation first of its kind heard inside the walls of Indian High Commission U.K. for printing Dr Ambedhkar’s Image in Indian Rupee